I've traveled to Arizona, Las Vegas, Shasta, Borrego Springs.
I went to comiccon in San Diego.
I hope to accomplish a lot. No longer do I listen to Alex Jones.
My attitude towards republicans has changed. We should be like an empire.
One issue Obama has been lacking on is immigration.
I've lived outside my parents house since 2012. They kicked me out.
I've past satanism and looked towards
Islam .
I've created a few other blogs but I won't share them here.
I've read a lot of books I hope to read more and maybe trade them in for cash.
I'm not going to listen to hiphop anymore my parents don't want me to listen to it and it's too violent and disrespectful to listen to.
I did meth for a while and I've decided to quit. And I'm quitting marijuana. And alcohol.
I got addicted to a site called 4chan and got in my share of troll flame battles.
I've been researching magick and Aleister Crowley. I want to become initiated.
Finish school
Stay drug free. (Including tobacco)
Get my own place
Stay on my meds
Get a car
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