*Note: Trilogies are sometimes counted as one story unless otherwise specified by an exceptional sequel (Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers) or an exceptional entry movie (the Matrix).
*Note #2: sometimes movies are offset by good reviews or box office by a certain bad-ass-factor(BAF) this ratio is equated by subtracting the suckiness (x) multiplied by the amount of girls or people who think the movie is cute (Y)
The formula is as follows (X*Y=Z) if z is less than or equal to the ammount of bullets fired, alien lifeforms, explosions, seconds of car chasing or people killed in the movie, it is officially bad ass.
For movies in 1980-1993:
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind,
The Shining,
Mad Max,
Blade Runner,
Star Trek II:
Wrath of Kahn,
Star Wars
Classic Trilogy,
Escape from NY,
Top Gun,
The Abyss,
Indiana Jones,
Back to the Future,
Terminator 2,
Old-Ass-Movie Conference Final:
After grouping these movies into brackets and selecting the best, i ended up with 3 selections.
-Indiana Jones
-Star Wars: Original Trilogy
After processing the data, I came to the conclusion that the original Star wars Trilogy were the best of this era. The first two in the trilogy also hold very high ratings on IMDB and Star Wars: A New Hope is among the highest grossing movies of all time, especially when adjusted for inflation.
New Era:
1993-Jurassic Park,
Last Action Hero,
Demolition Man
1994-Forrest Gump,
True Lies,
Pulp Fiction,
1995-Batman Forever,
Die Hard 3,
1996-Independence Day,
Mission Impossible,
Mars Attacks!
Men in Black,
Jurassic Park: The lost World,
Starship Troopers,
the Fifth Element
1998-Saving Private Ryan
1999-The Matrix
Star Wars Episode I
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon;
the Patriot,
2001- LOTR: The fellowship of the Ring,
Black Hawk Down,
Harry Potter: The sorcerers stone
Star Wars: Episode 2,
LOTR: The two towers,
Minority Report
2003-LOTR: Return of the King,
Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl,
Terminator 3,
Kill Bill vol 1
2004-Passion of the Christ,
National Treasure,
I, Robot;
2005-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith,
War of the Worlds,
King Kong,
Sin City,
2006-Casino Royale,
V for Vendetta,
Mission Impossible III,
I am Legend,
2008- The Dark Knight,
Iron Man,
Body of Lies
Here's How these movies stack up after the Preliminary round of the New Era Conference Finals:
1993: Jurassic Park
1994: Forrest Gump
1995: Goldeneye
1996: Independence Day
1997: Fifth Element
1998: Saving Private Ryan
1999: The Matrix
2000: Gladiator
2001: Black Hawk Down
2002: LOTR: Return of the King
2003: Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the black pearl
2004: Passion of the Christ
2005: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
2006: V for Vendetta
2007: 300
2008: The Dark Knight
2009 (so far): Star Trek
Now you have the modern era. The best movies by year. Now we move forward to the next round. After putting these movies in brackets, these movies advanced to the next round.
- Jurassic Park
- The Matrix
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
- The Dark Knight
Further reducing these, two titans emerge.
The Matrix vs. The Dark Knight
The Modern Era winner is.......
Now we have our final matchup for the greatest, biggest blockbuster, most bad ass movie of all time.......
The Matrix vs Star Wars: The Classic Trilogy
And the winner is..............
Yes its the star wars Trilogy. You can debate amongst yourselves which one is the best among the original trilogy (Return of the Jedi IMO). But we can all agree that the prequels were not as good. Can the next Star Trek movie top this? We'll See.
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