WordPhile Net


Saturday, August 15, 2020

2020 update

HELLO WORLD!!! Im still here alhamdullilah. still on my deen. social networking has been a force of distraction but also a great way to crowd source. im almost maxed my friend list on my muslim name. im trying to reform my character in line with the sunna of islam. i struggle to pray every day but will insha Allah make progress. other highlights over past 5 years are star wars, streaming music service, living independently, playing xbox one games, call of duty MVP awards on COD mobile, reading 50 books in the last 6 months, losing 60 lbs on a new work out plan. im not seeking perfection im seeking progress.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

X-mass 2015

Christmas is almost upon us and all I really want is to see Star Wars. 

I want books clothes, DVDs  and music. 

I've reached maturity and enlightenment. 

I feel like a billionaire. 

I've decided school isn't for me. I had a nervous breakdown taking British history in Fullerton. 

Parents won't let me drink but I do it anyways. Islam frowns upon drinking but I do it anyways. 

I still love hiphop and I've been making some playlists via Apple Music. 

I recently went through 20 thousand emails. They were mostly spam. 

I'm going to clean my room and garage in seal beach. 

Shout out to my friends for putting up with my crazyness. 


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Islam and books

I've read a lot of books some on Islam and I think I was wrong about them. 

They are good people. 

I read so many books I sold many of them to the used bookstore. About 60 books in total. 

I hope to read more and clean my room. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

2015 and on to another year

Well since first starting the site Obama has been elected president. Two wars have ended and the Great Recession is over. 

I've traveled to Arizona, Las Vegas, Shasta, Borrego Springs. 

I went to comiccon in San Diego.

I hope to accomplish a lot. No longer do I listen to Alex Jones. 

My attitude towards republicans has changed. We should be like an empire. 

One issue Obama has been lacking on is immigration. 

I've lived outside my parents house since 2012. They kicked me out. 

I've past satanism and looked towards
Islam .  

I've created a few other blogs but I won't share them here. 

I've read a lot of books I hope to read more and maybe trade them in for cash. 

I'm not going to listen to hiphop anymore my parents don't want me to listen to it and it's too violent and disrespectful to listen to. 

I did meth for a while and I've decided to quit. And I'm quitting marijuana. And alcohol. 

I got addicted to a site called 4chan and got in my share of troll flame battles. 

I've been researching magick and Aleister Crowley.  I want to become initiated. 


Finish school
Stay drug free. (Including tobacco)
Get my own place
Stay on my meds
Get a car 

Stock Picks

I currently own shares of ARMH. I bought it at 16 and it's currently at 52. Lucky me. 

I plan to take some profits and buy Disney I think Disney as a brand is very strong and I really think Star Wars franchise will do a lot for them.